Google Docs adds Ubuntu font to its collection
Thanks to some quick work by Canonical Design Team member Paul Sladen, the Ubuntu font is now available for use in Google Docs for everyone regardless of operating system.
A bug report wishlist was reported in the Ubuntu Font Family project by Brent Fox titled “Please add Ubuntu to Google Docs” and in less than two hours Paul replied confirming that the font was live in Google Docs. Stellar!
The Ubuntu font was commissioned by Canonical to be designed by London based type foundry Dalton Maag. It’s available in a number of variants, characters and weights including light, italic, Cyrillic and bold, and is licensed under Creative Commons so anyone can use it.
You can download the Ubuntu font and learn more about it at and test it out in Google Docs by heading to
Source: Alan Bell via Twitter
Ubuntu font image from
[box] Post Taken from: OMG! Ubuntu [/box]
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