Google+ Amazes their users with Games [Google]
Since then Google releases their new social media platform named Google+, it became a massive success among all users. Google+ is an upcoming social media platform which is combined with all Google products in one same location (such like Youtube, Picasa, Buzz…etc).
Google+ has quietly amassed over 25 million users, and industry watchers suspected that Google would launch a Games service soon to compete with Facebook, which has developed an online platform for social gaming with Zynga and others. Zynga is part of the Google+ Games service, with Zynga Poker. Afterward Google added a fifth tab to its icons at the top of Google+, which looks vaguely like the electronic game “Simon”.
In all, Google has added ten games to the services, all apparently free to play at the moment. (According to a blog post by Vic Gundotra, vice president of engineering, twelve are available, but only ten showed up in my browser as “featured games”).
When a user select a game, Google+ will go through a process it needs permission to do so, then spells out what it wants. In the case of Dragon Age Legends, it asks for the following permissions:
– View basic information about your account
– View your email address
– View a list of people from your circles, ordered based on your interactions with them across Google
So, What are we waiting for.. aren’t we support to play & experience it… Please let us know how you’re excited. 🙂
[box] More Info: PC Mag & Official Google Blog [/box]