Enriching Srilanka :: Interesting Personal Web-Blogs by Srilankans [GeekLK]
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Team GeekLK, glad to produce an article about few Personal blogs in Srilanka which were really attracted by users these days. Even in Twitter they’ve established their stay among users. We’ll not be explaining each blogs since you will be able to find them by just vising them. The reason for this article is to acknowledge you saying; “there are useful websites which are done by our SRILANKANS” & their advantageous. So, here we list them as;
TuteBox.Com is a wordpress based blog who share quality tutorials and resources on various subjects/fields to help people learn. Their Goal is to provide their readers with simple and high-quality tutorials to make learning easy, and they also keep the tutorials as interesting as possible. More info…
Geek Opinion: A terrific blog for all kind of users to hang-out. Interesting post & experience authors who post articles. Even, users can request for articles according to their needs.
LinQ.lk is PHP based URL Shortener service that takes long URLs and squeezes them into fewer characters. The core goal of this service is to provide Secure and Speed short URLs that is easier to share, tweet, or email to friends. There are many URL shorteners out there. But LinQ.lk stands as the only LK domained URL shortener functional right now which let Sri Lankans to shorten their URLs while reflecting their values attached to their country. And it supports third-party client integration such as TweetDeck, Firfox smart key word support… etc. App-Integration & More info…
Geek Opinion: LinQ is the first URL shorten service ever with .lk domain specifically to prove that we’re a lankan community. Suggest their web to all you friends, tweeps, bloggers…etc & show your support to encourage our product/services.
Mobyle.Net is another wordpress based web blog which acknowledge users about latest updates, service infos on mobile industry within SriLanka. It has all updated details regarding mobile service providers such as Dialog, Erisala, Mobitel… etc. Simply, an attractive web blog with fruiful information filled which cannot be founded even on the official telecom websites. More info…
Geek Opinion: Finding all mobile/telecom industry updates under one blog is simply awesome. This blog can be easily understandable since the interface design & informations shared are really understandable.
TechKatha.Com is web based blog who provide support using online-broadcast service on a weekly basis. You can either listen by visiting their site, via PC (using players) or you can even listen using mobile. The specialty of this web is that, they do broadcast using sinhalese (mother-language). More users are interacting since, they supporting live while having an online chat with their users. Their Episodes can be downloaded by visiting their site. More info…
Geek Opinion: I’ll simply say, just another help desk & a support blog for users via broadcasting. Another good point is that they using the local language (sinhalese) for the broadcast.
RefreshColombo.Org is a non-profitable organization & a community of web and technology enthusiasts/professionals who come together on a monthly basis to share ideas and meet like minded individuals. Their events free and are open to the public, therefore any interested personal can join. Refresh colombo meet up is been held on a thursday (fourth week) each month. More info…
Geek Opinion: A simple get-to-gather to keep your self updated on web and technology. First, ever community in Srilanka who’re spreading information for free. And you can meet/chet with different people, tweeps, bloggers….etc.
WoM-Lanka.Com is a leading online source in Sri Lanka for smartphone users and mobile tech enthusiasts. Founded in November 2008, we provide you with mobile handset and accessory reviews, as well as smart-phone application reviews. A suitable blog to be counted as for various content ranging from mobile products and service information, press releases and other related news. More Info…
Geek Opinion: An extraordinary blog for smartphone users & other mobile techies to keep them selves updated. This blog is not up-to-date, but I recommend their authors to re-up their blog if possible since we don’t want to loose such valuable webs belong to Srilankans.
Wezile.Com is personal web blog which supports users to learn specifically about web tricks, SEO…etc. You can refer their blog for web related news, tips, scripts… etc. Also, they help you to complete your needs in SEO marketing, Graphic designs, Web design & developments. Wezil-Blog & More info…
Geek Opinion: Another web blog to fulfill your web related & designing needs. Users have any needs or issues in web, SEO ir graphic.. this is the best place to hang-out.
Few Personal Blogs by Individuals
[box] Indu Nanayakka [/box]
InduNanayakkara.Com is wordpress based personal blog maintained by an individual person named “Indu Nanayakkare”. As per indu; “I work for a local media network in Sri Lanka handling their web content and social media accounts. I love social media, web apps and testing out new web apps”. More info…
Geek Opinion: One of my favorite blog ever out of all individuals. A personal blog filled with informative practical experiences. If someone want to learn about social media, the best place ever.
[box] Nazly Ahamed [/box]
Nazly.Net is just another wordpress blog maintained by an individual person named “Nazly Ahamed”. He’s basically a Web Developer by profession who spends most of the time in front of a computer. More info…
Geek Opinion: Another who attracted us very much indeed. An experienced personal who’s expertized in web based development. Users can find unique updates which are really useful.
“This article is to show you that we have informative site which are maintained by Sri Lankans. Therefore, please refer above listed websites to get more accurate datas or to contact them officially”.
Please do suggest, if you came across with any interesting personal blogs using our contact form. We will be glad to re-search and publish an article about it. Do not forget to drop your comments. Thank you.
Good list. I often visit InduNanayakkara.Com and I love to read her posts. I’ll check out the others when I get time for sure.
How fair is to manually remove the link from your reader comments?
Hi Marina,
I just saw your comment. It’s nice to know that you like my blog 🙂 It always gives immense joy to a writer that a reader appreciates his or her writing. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment here. Although I haven’t been able to write regularly for a while, I promise I’ll be back (Austrian-American accent lol)
Hi Indulekha,
It’s absolutely my pleasure. Your blog is a good pool of knowledge for social media marketers.
Hi just want to know why the Sri Lanka Unites logo the thumbnail of this post? where as there is nothing in this post relating to the organization?
Great post in deed.. Keep encouraging local bloggers..
Good Luck with your website too..
Buzz us if you need any help..
Hajara on Behalf of The Tutebox Team 😀
Thank you for your valuable comment. Help us to improve more by sharing our web among users.
pretty cool post 🙂
keep up the great work
Most appreciated blogs, keep it up guys. nice to see there are lot of young guys involved in writings articles, 🙂 wish you all the best 🙂
Thank you for your support. Help us to improve more by sharing our web among users.
your most welcome 🙂 keep it up
Thank you! for the cool intro.
All the best, “GeekLK” team.
Hameedul Aqeel
You’ve a good FUTURE on telecommunication industry. Keep on supporting users. Thank you for your support. Help us to improve more by sharing our web among users. 🙂
Nice article… Keep up the good work..
With love,
such a nice blog & an informative one you got out there… keep on supporting user. Thank you for your support. Help us to improve more by sharing our web among users. 🙂