Posted By Irfad

How to Use Label and Filter features in Gmail

Receiving many unwanted mails while can’t keep tracking your important mails? Here’s the solution. Gmail has the feature to put a label on receiving emails from certain person or subjects and makes easy to identify important mails in the inbox. Along with the filtering feature, you can archive labeled mails into deferential folders. I will explain how to create labels and apply to the emails and put them into the sub directory.

Assume that I get frequent emails form support@gmail.com. And I want to separate it from other emails.

[lbfenix img=”http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m608/irfadraz/Gmail%20Filter/1supportmail.png”]GeekLK email[/lbfenix]

First step we need to open the email, click More from menu and select Filter messages like this.

[lbfenix img=”http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m608/irfadraz/Gmail%20Filter/2gotofilter.png”]Filter email in Gmail[/lbfenix]

We’ll get a page to create the filter. and we have options to filter mails such as person we’re receiving from, specific subjects and others as shown in the image.

[lbfenix img=”http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m608/irfadraz/Gmail%20Filter/3filterbyemail.png”]Select options for filtering[/lbfenix]
Click to enlarge

Next step we need to select Skip the Inbox and Apply the label to send the filtered email into proper label. Also select new label to create one.

[lbfenix img=”http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m608/irfadraz/Gmail%20Filter/4createnewlabel.png”]Skip mail to the label[/lbfenix]

Give a name for the Label. In this case I use Geek Mail.

Creating label Gmail

Now we’re at the final step. If you want to put older emails from the filtered mail, select Also apply filter to xx conversation below checkbox. Select Create Filter.

[lbfenix img=”http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m608/irfadraz/Gmail%20Filter/6alsoapplyolderemails.png”]Creating filter[/lbfenix]
Click to enlarge

Now we can see the created Label in the right sidebar of the Gmail inbox.

Label on sidebar Gmail

So when we receive new emails from support@gmail.com it’ll go directly into the label.

[lbfenix img=”http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m608/irfadraz/Gmail%20Filter/8newemail.png”]New mail filter[/lbfenix]

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