Android device manager helps you locate your gear
So lets get started
Before you do anything make sure you put a screen lock to your device.
In order to Achieve this make sure that always GPS is switched on your Android device. You can do this in 2 ways. 1. From the drop down short cut menu 2. Enabling GPS through settings. Settings –> Location services > Tick on Use GPS satellites Ok, GPS is switched on we should enable remote management on the Android device, First go to “Google settings”, Select Android “Device Manager” Then tick on Allow remote lock factory reset. (By default “Remotely locate this device” will be ticked) Setting up your Android device is complete. Now go to Android Device Manager ( from your web browser, then login the Google account which is configured in your Android device. [lbfenix img=””][/lbfenix] After you login with that associated Google account you’ll be getting a menu as below. From that you can select your desired option. [lbfenix img=””][/lbfenix]
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