Posted By Azker

TweetUpSL 4 :: Its not just a social-event, its a community

TweetUpSL 4, just happened last week (Saturday 7th September 2013) with a massive amount of Tweep gathering at MCA (Mercantile Cricket Association). I’m worried that I couldn’t attend the event this time.


What is TweetUpSL? Story & History behind TweetUpSL event

Most Srilankan fellows will know what is this all about? But in case if you’re wondering.. Well, “TweetUpSL” is an annual event organized for Srilankan Twitter users. In this situation you may ask, if it is so “why TweetUpSL? Why such an event?”

Well, at first this was all started by Moshanthi (@moshanthi),  Udara (@udaraumd) & Shazly (@mack005) whom had planned to meet each other for a coffee. It was actually a simple tweet which later became an idea where Tweetup was born for the first time. Our very first Tweetup gathering (tagged as #TweetUpSL) was born and held 26th August 2010 at Cocoveranda (Colombo 07) with a couple of Tweeps (Twitter users).

Unlike other social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn.. etc, most people follow each other on twitter without even knowing them mutually. Due to the restrictions in Twitter and all, TweetUpSL gives an opportunity to interact with the Twitter users that they follow and communicate by gathering onto a place where they get more space to explore.


First TweetupSL footage @ Cocoveranda ~ Image by @mack005

TweetUpSL 4 Tribute


TweetUpSL 4 ~ Image by

Our 4th and giant Tweetup gathering happened last Saturday (7th December 2013) @ MCA with over 800+ Twitter users. Tweetup event usually meant to be held earlier; but it happened little later in the beginning of December 2013. In my opinion, its better late than never!!!

By looking at the past Tweetup events, all I can say is that this community has grown bigger. Actually it keeps on growing each time the event is planned. This remarkable event touched the edge of all Twitter users where it keeps on motivating them to interact to be privileged to enter into the community. Because, the organizing committee comes up with restrictions each time to participate to the event to ensure that the active tweeps will be befitted most out of the event. Nevertheless, Tweeps who aren’t meeting the criteria will be given a chance to explain at times as to why they eager to attend.

A huge thanks to those sponsors who volunteered to the event made it happen. Though I was not in that moment, I take this moment to thank them from the bottom of my heart. You all really made this event a sunshine.


TweetUpSL 4 Sponsers ~ Image from Tweetupsl.Org

And a special thanks to the organizers, volunteers who harvested their sweat and hard work to make this event a success. As per, “For comparison; TweetupSL 3 attracted 650 tweeps! Yup, that’s right. TweetupSL was once again even bigger than last time.”

TweetUpSL 4 Beginning

Lets focus on the interesting things that happened in this year’s Tweeup event. As the beginning let us kick-off with the Tweetupsl cake.


TweetUpSL 4 Cake ~ Image by

Registration were officially announced to start 12.30 pm but as the tweeps began to enter and queue, it started earlier than expected. Even when its 2.00 pm passed, registrations were still kicking-in as the tweeps gathering time by time. Not to make it too late, event started while the registration were moving aside. So the event began with crazy things happening and of course plenty of games planned than last event. I would suggest if you can go through‘s (which is more descriptive from the begging to end) post to read about the event completely as I wasn’t there in action to make it more in detail.

Winners of TweetUpSL 4

Instagramoholic of the year

Most controversial tweep

Sportaholic tweep of the year

Twitter news breaker

Most helpful tweep of the year

Funniest tweep of the year

Hastagaholic of the year

Twitterholic of the year

Tech tweep of the year

Foodie tweep of the year

Mr. Tweep of the year

Ms. Tweep of the year

Random Clickz at TweetUpSL 4


TweetUpSL 4 Crowd ~ Image by

TweetUpSL 4 :: Harlem Shake Dance ~ Image by Dialog Axiata

TweetUpSL 4 :: Harlem Shake Dance ~ Image by Dialog Axiata

Image by Dialog Axiata

TweetUpSL 4 :: Balloon Game ~ Image by Dialog Axiata


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An IT professional living far away from the pearl of Indian ocean. A Telecom nomad moved towards networking & hospitality IT building elegant resort in the romantic island of Maldives. An open-source fanatic, a geek and yes! a minion fan. I prefer football & popcorn ^_^

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