GeekLK’s useful Chrome Extensions [Part 2]
Here I am continuing the second part with more productive extensions for Chrome. In case, if you have missed the part one, please refer to the earlier post. Before this, I have posted a status on social feed to find more and received interesting replies. To make this more interesting, I shall post them as well testing with different parts.
Continuing where I have left off!
Any.Do – A to-do list and a task manager which helps you manager your schedule. Compared to other similar app, AnyDo is simple and the basic free works very well for anyone. Users can simple manage tasks, assign priorities, reminders, it even show a notification to add reminders when reading a mail no Gmail within Chrome. Users can also create a free account and synchronize the tasks across the devices.
Google Input Tools – Not sure how users will finds this productive but it is useful when you require native language typing. This was earlier called “Google transliterate” since it translate user’s native language input which is in English, then converts back predicting the behavior. I use this to comment on social media and also when making bigger paragraphs. This is more convenient than having to learn the whole keyboard. Gone are those days!
Hover Zoom – An incredible asset to me and for those who require image zooming without any clicks. Simply makes my work easier than ever. Facebook, Twitter, Google image search, of whatever, you name it! Hover Zoom simply zooms the images for you saving a clicks. Sometimes its annoying when it zooms whenever you pass over an image. However, when you’re comfortable altering settings, you should be settling down.
Viber Share – As I have explained in my previous posts, Viber started providing fruitful features to its desktop users. One of them being and extension on Chrome to push links to Viber desktop which makes it more easier for users to share things. I have been using this like crazy as I have my tech colleagues group and it is really convenient to share with a single click.
I’m due to experiment the extension that my friend’s suggested. As I’m on a busy schedule, I shall add few more of them here when I get a moment. Until then, enjoy using and do comment if you come across any interesting stuffs.