Access your uTorrent client remotely
The latest uTorrent comes up with a new feature called Remote Access. In this tutorial I’ll show you how to configure it. By the way it’s easy. Step 1 Click on the remote icon on the task bar of uTorrent, you’ll be promped with the configuration window. [/lbfenix] Step 2 Check enable and give a username / password and [...]
Run Firefox Inside Firefox
You Can Run Firefox Inside Firefox just by Typing Following URL. How about Opening Firefox inside Firefox which is again in another Firefox..? Not bad huh?
RIM’s – BlackBerry Management Center [Free BES-Lite]
As I’ve explained in my previous Post about the BlackBerry Smartphone service overview & it’s features. Just go through the thread to get an idea on this service. Since, BlackBerry has become another giant service with secured features, most of the Corporate services are been using this so called, BES. BlackBerry [...]
Google+ Amazes their users with Games [Google]
Since then Google releases their new social media platform named Google+, it became a massive success among all users. Google+ is an upcoming social media platform which is combined with all Google products in one same location (such like Youtube, Picasa, Buzz…etc). Google+ has quietly amassed over 25 million users, and industry [...]
Difference between Layer 2 and Layer 3 switches
Layer 2 switches and Layer 3 switches – you may have heard the terms before. So what exactly are they? Both switch types have the capability of linking network devices together from one port to another. Unlike hubs, switches distribute data more intelligently as it interprets them and sends it out to the right destination. Layer 2 and [...]
BlackBerry Messenger 6 :: Where Apps go social
BlackBerry® Messenger is an instant messaging application made for BlackBerry smartphone owners by RIM (Research In Motion). And the best part of the BlackBerry OS just got a bit better, as RIM announced their release of BlackBerry Messenger (BBM ver. 6). With this new BBM, it has got so many modified features such like better file [...]
How Global Positioning System (GPS) Works
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system made up of a network of 24 satellites placed into orbit by the U.S. Department of Defense.
ARP Poisoning with Cain & Able Software
ARP poisoning is a Man-In-The-Middle attack by hijacking ARP messages on the network. In this video, I’ve described how to do it with a windows program Cane & Able. Visit our post to read more about how ARP works.
How to install LogMeIn Hamachi on Linux [Video]
In my previous posts I’ve described installing and setting up simple Hamchi VPN and managing Hamachi clients for advance users. Hamachi not only supports Windows. It supports on any Linux OSs. But Hamachi only provides a command-line version by itself. As Linux is always open still you can have GUI front-end with a third [...]
Create Your Own Customized Run Commands
The Run command on Microsoft Windows operating system allows you to directly open an application or document with just a single command instead of navigating to it’s location and double-clicking the executable icon.