OS & Networking
Adding Facebook Chat to Pidgin!
Pidgin is an all-inclusive instant messenger program that allows you to connect with a variety of your online accounts to keep in touch with family, friends and more. Pidgin supports all the major chatting programs online, including Google Talk, AIM and Yahoo.
Open an EXT2 (Ubuntu) file format on a Windows (NTFS) Platform and Back-Up [GeekLK]
I’ve been an Ubuntu (Linux) user ever since I’ve fallen in love with FOSS (Free Open-Source Software). Well, I’m not that much into windows as I use & live with Ubuntu most of the time. But honestly speaking, I’m not geek for linux at all as I’m an average user. Also, I’d say the one [...]
ARP Spoof fun with Middler
While surfing around found a nice tool to play fun with a tool called Middler using ARP Spoof (MITM). Middler is a tool which can inject a Javascript code (js) into target’s HTTP session. In this tutorial I’m going to explain how to perform this attack. If you don’t know how ARP Spoof works check my previous article [...]
Ubuntu guide to surf anonymously with Tor
Tor is a free software which will let you surf the Internet anonymously while protecting your privacies. In this guide I’ll be explain on how to install and configure Tor in Ubuntu to use easily with GUI. Tor is also available for other OS platforms (cross platforms). Step 1 Go to Ubuntu Software Center and [...]
Pardus – Another Operating System for Linux family [FOSS]
When you pronounce the name “Pardus“, you might be thinking what’s the meaning of it & why do they choose such names. Well, there’s nothing wrong with the name as I see, since Pardus is a Linux based Operating system developed by a Turkish (Turkey) crew. Pardus means “Tiger” [...]
TeraCopy – Easiest & Quickest way to move/copy files
TeraCopy is a very old application released early in 2007, which performs moving & copying files from a location to another. Usually, when a User move/copy files either way (PC to portable devices or Device to PC) it takes quiet an average time to fulfill the performed operation. But, practically Teracopy makes it quicker & [...]
Portforwarding Explained [GeekLK]
If you want to reach your friend through the phone call you’ll need his/her phone number. Likewise in IP Network environment to reach a host or a server you need an address called IP Address Eg- And the network services requesting on that host or server is separated by protocols which also have numbers assigned known [...]
TrueCrypt – An Encrypting Tool [Freeware]
As it pronounce as TrueCrypt, I assume you might have an idea on what this tool is all about. Well, I’d say simply it’s encrypting tool and as the same time it does the decryption part too… Obviously!!!! that’s the feature of an encryption tool where users needs to have the both encrypting & de-crypting, if [...]
Access your uTorrent client remotely
The latest uTorrent comes up with a new feature called Remote Access. In this tutorial I’ll show you how to configure it. By the way it’s easy. Step 1 Click on the remote icon on the task bar of uTorrent, you’ll be promped with the configuration window. [/lbfenix] Step 2 Check enable and give a username / password and [...]
Difference between Layer 2 and Layer 3 switches
Layer 2 switches and Layer 3 switches – you may have heard the terms before. So what exactly are they? Both switch types have the capability of linking network devices together from one port to another. Unlike hubs, switches distribute data more intelligently as it interprets them and sends it out to the right destination. Layer 2 and [...]